
Temat edytowany przez Zygarde - 24 sierpnia 2017, 14:28

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Czy tylko ja zauważyłem tam Ojca, Córkę i Syna?

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Separatist alliance finally made peace with Galactic Republic at the orbit of Raxus Prime...

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I've calculated it's the only opportunity to end The Clone Wars as I've planned. Deply Battle droid and prepare to Invade Old Separatist Facilities at Outer Rims... Produce more Battledroids and ships o elimate Grand Admiral Thrawn and Seventh Fleet. I've calculated that we have 55% of success with him at command. When we would elimante him, our chanses would rise to over 90%.

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Rozkaz rozkaz.

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Przywódca wrócił. All hail Emperor!


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